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Corporate Governance - GCG Structure & Policies

Overseeing the Culture and Digital Transformation that have been carried out since 2021, BRI further strengthens the role of Governance as the basis for developing and implementing the company’s business through increasing employee awareness, improving systems, and updating policies. Enhanced implementation of BRI’s Good Corporate Governance has received recognition from various parties so that BRI is ranked as the Most Trusted Company in Corporate Governance Perception Index from The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance.

Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, the main organizational structure consists of 3 (three) main organs, namely:

  1. General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)
  2. Board of Commissioners
  3. Board of Directors

The Main Organizational Structure becomes the organ of corporate governance in the Company which is built to ensure the implementation of corporate governance principles to run effectively with clear roles and responsibilities so as to create a check and balance monitoring mechanism. BRI’s Governance Structure includes Main Organs, Supporting Organs and Policies and Procedures as follows:

Structure of Governance

GCG Structure

*) Click to expand

*) Click below for the full Articles of Association.