Layanan Banner new
- General
- BRI Stock Information
- Dividends
- Shareholder Information
- The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)
BRI is one of the biggest banks in Indonesia in terms of assets and also the largest in terms of network and customer base. As of 30th September 2021, we have around 9,000 outlets, 230,000 e-channels, and 475,000 branchless banking agents spread along 17,000 Indonesian archipelagoes from the busy urban area to the remotest corner of Indonesia to serve more than 13 million borrowers and more than 130 million depositors. BRI is one of the largest banks in Indonesia and Southeast Asia that focuses on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and a pioneer of microfinance in Indonesia. Since its IPO in 2003, BRI has consistently posted profit and paid dividends to shareholders. For more information, please visit BRI at a Glance.
All financial information are available in the Financial Reports Section.
A summary of BRI Group subsidiaries is available here.
You can find detail information in Ratings Section of this website.
The public accountant firm that audits the BRI’s 2020 annual financial statement is Purwantoro, Sungkoro & Surja (Ernst & Young).
See our Interactive Charts Section on this website.
See our Investment Calculator Section on this website.
The Bank’s shares are traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
You can buy BRI shares through your bank, broker or our subsidiaries at BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
Once Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approve the amount of dividend, in less than 2 working days BRI will report this information in a number of ways:
- Notification on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
- Announcement on the Bank’s website.
Check the history log of dividends paid out by BRI here.
- Telp (021) 575 2019
- Fax (021) 575 2010
- Email
- Office – BRI II Building 7th Floor, Jenderal Sudirman Street Kav. 44-46, Jakarta 10210
BRI presents and publishes its results on a quarterly basis. Quarterly financial reports are published on Financial Reports Section. You may also get a quarterly financial update presentation on Corporate Presentation Section and watch a quarterly analyst meeting video on IR News Video Section.
BRI also publish Bank Only monthly financial reports on here.
You can check BRI´s annual report here and sustainability report here, as well as you can also download our “investor package” documents here which are included several documents such as:
- Last quarterly analyst meeting video
- Last quarterly financial report
- Last financial update presentation
- Last annual report
- Last sustainability report
- Attend the GMS either directly or through proxy, provide opinion and/or make a decision. Each shareholder is entitled to be treated equally and to make a sound according to the type, classification and number of shares owned.
- Receive an accurate and prompt information related to BRI with the principle of equality of information to all shareholders.
- Receive distribution of dividend and other forms of profit from BRI in proportion to total owned shares.
- To receive remaining returns from the bank liquidation in the event of bankruptcy.
- Request a GMS by one or more shareholders of either share or jointly representing 1/10 (one ten) or more of the total shares issued by the Company with valid voting rights, in a good trust, on the basis of the interests of the Company and comply the laws and regulations of the Company.
- Obtain a comprehensive and accurate information on the GMS procedures requirement.
- Request for the Bank to purchase its shares with a fair price with the procedure as stipulated in the Articles of Association/applicable laws and regulations in the event that the shareholder disagree with the Company’s action/corporate actions that cause such loss to the Shareholders or the Company.
- Attain a corporate information from the Board of Directors and/or Board of Commissioners at the GMS as far as the requested information is in line with the meeting agenda and does not contradict the Company’s interests.
In accordance with article 48 at the regulation of The Financial Services Authority (FSA) No. 15/POJK.04/2020 regarding Planning and Organization of Public Company’s GMS, BRI is obligatory to fulfill the determinations in the GMS implementation as follows:
- Deliver the meeting agenda to The Financial Service Authority (FSA) within 5 days (weekdays) before the announcement.
- Do the GMS announcement to the shareholders at least 14 days (weekdays) before the invitations are delivered to the shareholders.
- Deliver the GMS invitation to the shareholders within 21 days (weekdays) before the GMS implementation.
- BRI is obligatory to provide meeting materials for the shareholders in the company website since the day when the invitation is delivered to the shareholders.
Announcement, invitation & notification of GMS meeting materials can be seen here:
- Notification on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
- Announcement on the Bank’s website.
- Every 1 (one) share extends its holder 1 (one) voting right.
- In accordance with article 48 at the regulation of The Financial Services Authority (FSA) No. 15/POJK.04/2020 regarding Planning and Organization of Public Company’s GMS and d Article 25 paragraph (14) of the BRI’s Articles of Association, the vote casted by a Shareholder applies to the entire shares owned by him/her. Therefore, a Shareholder is not entitled to authorize more than a proxy for a portion of the shares that he/she owns with different vote. The requirement is not valid for Custodian Bank or Securities Company representing the shareholders in the mutual fund.
The voting procedure for Shareholders who attend the Meeting electronically through eASY.KSEI is carried out with the following procedure:
- The electronic voting process takes place at eASY.KSEI on the E-Meeting Hall menu, Live Broadcasting sub menu.
- Shareholders who attend or provide power of attorney electronically at the Meeting through eASY.KSEI, but have not yet made their vote, have the opportunity to submit their vote during the voting period through the E-Meeting Hall screen at eASY.KSEI;
- During the electronic voting process, the “General Meeting Flow Text” column will show the status of “voting for agenda item no, [1], has started”;
- If the Shareholders do not vote for the Meeting Agenda until the status of the Meeting as shown in the “General Meeting Flow Text” column changes to “voting for agenda no [1] has ended”, it will be considered as abstention.
- Direct voting electronically through eASY.KSEI is allocated for 1 (one) minute.
The voting procedure for Shareholders with scripted shares who attend physically in the Meeting shall be conducted with following procedures:
- Any Shareholder who wishes to cast abstain (non-voting) or disapprove with the proposed resolution will be requested to raise their hands and submit their voting cards.
- Any Shareholder who does not raise their hands shall be deemed to approve the discussed proposal. This provision also applies to any Shareholder who leaves the Meeting venue when the voting is held.
- Any proxy who is authorized by the Shareholders to abstain or disapprove the proposed resolution who does not raise his/her hand at the time of the voting by the Chairman of the Meeting shall be deemed to approve any submitted proposal.
- In accordance with Article 47 at the at the regulation of FSA No. 15/POJK.04/2020 and Article 25 paragraph (13) of the BRI’s Articles of Association, the Shareholders of shares with valid voting rights who attend the Meeting, but abstain, are deemed to have expressed the same votes as the majority of Shareholders who cast votes.
- The Chairman of the Meeting will ask the Notary to announce the results of the voting.